domingo, 25 de outubro de 2009

sexta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2009

Gthrust...isso é sério?

Desnecessário, desconfortável, bizarro ou os três?

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2009

quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2009

Alice no País da Nudez Elegante

Um tal Frank Brunner desenhou versões de certas cenas de Alice no País das Maravilhas com uma Alice crescidinha e afeita ao naturismo. Foda.


Edgar Allan Poe matou "Marie Rogêt"?

Poe não girava bem, sabemos todos. Mas ele seria louco o suficiente pra escrever um conto acerca de um crime que ele mesmo cometeu, convenientemente não revelando quem era o assassino?

"Poe situated his story - with a little help from his “friend the Chevalier C. Auguste Dupin” – in Paris, the Hudson was changed in the Seine, Mary Rogers in Marie Rogêt, David Payne in St. Eustache and so on. But Poe followed the main facts of the murder of Mary Rogers and argued that the girl was not murdered by a gang, but by a single individual. The signs of a struggle in the woods and the battered state of her face indicated she was killed by an individual, because there would not have been a struggle between a gang and a weak and helpless girl. A gang would have overpowered Mary easily. And if Mary was attacked by a gang, there would have been at least one guy who would have taken the handkerchief away, that could identify their victim easily as Mary Rogers."

Teoria toda lá no Bookstove.

sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2009

terça-feira, 6 de outubro de 2009